(尤指在艺术和科学方面)多才多艺者,兴趣广泛者,通才 If you describe a man as a Renaissance man, you mean that he has a wide range of abilities and interests, especially in the arts and sciences.
The Renaissance artists were universal man. 文艺复兴时期的艺术家们是无所不知的。
SCIENTIST, engineer, musician and great artist, Leonardo da Vinci is the archetypal Renaissance man. 科学家,工程师,音乐家以及伟大的画家,达芬奇是典型的文艺复兴时期的牛人。
The Renaissance again discovered the world, the man and brought about the resurge of politics. 文艺复兴重新发现了世界,也重新发现了人,并带来了政治学的复兴。
In search of such a way, I turned to The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande, doctor, writer and all-round renaissance man. 为了找到这样一种方式,我看了多才多艺的医生作家葛文德所写的《清单宣言》一书。
The emergence of Renaissance from The Middle Ages ushered in the concept of man, which has been rendered further investigation since the turning from Neoclassicism to Romanticism. 中世纪向文艺复兴的转化意味着人学研究的开始,而新古典主义进入浪漫主义深化人对自我的认识。
He often dreams of self is a great man, is a Renaissance man. 他常梦想自己是一个伟人,是一个博学的人。
He is a hopeless romantic and a renaissance man for crying out loud. 他是个无可救药的浪漫主义者和一个可以放声痛哭的文艺复兴式的男人。
For the most part, the Renaissance Man is not to be found in our modern world. 一般说来,文艺复兴时代的人在现代世界中是找不到的。
In short, Leonardo was an extraordinary genius, an example of what has been described as "Renaissance man": someone interested in everything and with many different talents. 简而言之,里奥纳多是位空前绝后的天才,是“文艺复兴时期的人”的典型代表。“文艺复兴时期的人”是指那些不仅对每样事物都感兴趣而且还具备多种才能的人。
So what if you're hardly a Renaissance man or woman? 你刚好是保守的人怎么办?
The combination of professional characteristics and liberal studies turns students to be "renaissance man". Nowadays, the necessity and urgency of Chinese Culture Education in science and engineering universities have reached a basic consensus. 今天,在理工院校实施国学教育的必要性和迫切性已经达成基本共识。
Renaissance in Western Europe started to discover man and relieve man, making the human nature awake. 西欧从文艺复兴时期开始发现人、解放人,使人性觉醒。
Hobbes, Mandeville, Hume and other enlightenment thinkers in the time of Renaissance provided a sufficient theoretical support of "economic man" assumption, and Adam Smith evaluated the assumption systematically. 文艺复兴时期的启蒙思想家、霍布斯、孟德维尔、休谟等人为经济人假设的产生提供了充足的理论支撑,并由亚当·斯密进行了系统的论证。